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Why did you leave me and give me so much pain?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

we won MGS!!!
the scores was 28-6!
we are 1st for west zone netball competition!
the seniors also won Greenridge
the scores was 22-13!
they came in 3rd
now at home i have a silver(2nd) and gold(1st) trophy!


♥so break my heart for the final time
@ 11:16 PM

ytd we played against dazhong for semi finals and we won!
the scores were 32-9
so for the finals we are paying with MGS for 1st and 2nd
seniors did not win MGS and will be playing with Greenridge tom
for the 3rd and 4th place!
wish them all the best!
tom supporters are coming...
soo we cannot let them down!
so we have to do our very best and win!!!
tom fetching Janessa and they have already came up with a cheer
i am kind of excited and also kind of nervous!
juniors and seniors have a good rest and play well tomXD

got to go and do 习字 already!

♥so break my heart for the final time
@ 4:25 AM

Friday, April 16, 2010

today we played with cooperation primary school and we won!
the scores were
we meet our target!!!!
coz they score only have until 50 then we have to extend!!!
semi finals is next tuesday and we are going to play against DaZhong
so juniors all the best!!!
this saturday got training and according to Miss ng all the senior citizens are going to come!
kk nothing to say liao

♥so break my heart for the final time
@ 3:24 AM

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

today we played against bukit timah primary school
the score was 43-0
ms yeo said like...
we have to get more than 50 so she can expand the number of boxes like what she did for the senior game
we tried our best but did not reach!
i played only the 1st,2nd and 3rd quarters only.
than our play is like abigail ran out than i ran in get the ball and shoot.
the first quarters i had like 2 or 3 steppings
ok going to end here

♥so break my heart for the final time
@ 11:06 PM

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

We won greenridge.
the scores were 24-8
i did not play very well though
nicole played very good today!
she intercepted like maybe 5-7 balls?
this friday we are playing with cooperation primary school.
so i must improve my shoots and play better!
kk nothing else to say already....
must start do homework liao!


♥so break my heart for the final time
@ 2:51 AM

Monday, April 5, 2010

ok just changed blogskin....
its the same person who did yu han's blog one...XD
we played with Clemiti (spell?) last thursday and we won!
scores were: 35-1
then on friday me and laurentia went on stage and announce the scores.
on stage i said 31-1 instead of 35-1 =.=
this wedenesday going to play with greenridge!
soo juniors jia you!!
Today we had science practical have to make that nail become a magnet
i had to hold the battery and it was so hot i got electric shock 3 times
my finger is still hurting now....
SA1 coming liao....
its like after CA1 than have to revise for SA1 =.=
If i do well for SA1 as in
Math get 85++
English get 70++
Science get 80++
Chinese get 75++
HMT get like 40++
than can get any phone i want but i dont know what phone i want....
got any suggestion can tell me!

ok gtg liao

P.S if you all want to see my Taiwan photos can go to facebook and see!

♥so break my heart for the final time
@ 2:34 AM

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

i have not much to say..
but today was science paper is ok la
not so difficult....
tom is higher mother tongue paper..
did not go for netball today coz parents dont allow
have to stay at home and revise ):
study study study
i have no idea what to say liao...
so ...........

♥so break my heart for the final time
@ 11:04 PM

Had math paper today
got only some questions quite difficult....
than elizabeth was sitting behind
than she told me that
nicole was holding her head and doing her exam
than i was like stretching
celestine was like this
abigail was like that
than i ask her
what you doing
than she say i was looking at everyone
lame sia she should be doing her paper sia
hope i do well
got one question in booklet B i got 1 mistake liao
elizabeth was like
i going to fail i am going to fail!
lame than she keep pulling me and say'
i very scared i very scared i very scared i very scared
got two more papers left!!

ok gtg revise science liao!

♥so break my heart for the final time
@ 12:36 AM

Monday, March 1, 2010

i have not being posting for a while.....
P5 is a stessful year
everyday got so much homework...
today was english paper
dammm difficult sia
tom is chinese paper
than wedenesday is Math paper
than Thursday is Science paper
than Friday is Higher Mother tongue.....
stress stress stress
competiton coming up soon
if we managed to get 1st in West Zone we go Malaysia
and if we come in 1st in West ZOne and get into semi finals....
we can go to Australia!!!
Jia you juniors and seniors!!
10 more days before i going Taiwan...
Sharing room with Nicole and me and she are leaders
we are in room number 1...
somemore in the corner sai...
anyway on the first day i bathing first than second day i bathing second and so on
gtg study liao

♥so break my heart for the final time
@ 2:59 AM

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

just came back from Japan!
it was so dammm fun!
but it was freezing cold...
around 2degrees to 5 degrees
i wear like many layers...
like 4layers?
if i wear that to singapore i sure get heat stroke
but i still see girls wearing short skirt in the cold weather sia...
Day 1
just reach Japan...
and i vomited in the airplane
its nothing really amazing coz i always vomit in the plane when the plane is landing
then go hotel check in....
then go to the temple!
the temple dam cool sia....
got alot of free food along the way to the temple...
then me and my sister keep taking free food....
we also buy alot of food
Day 2
went to Disneyland
so funnn sia
i queued for the game- MONSTER INC for 90minss
the thunder roller coaster was so dam fun...
i was sitting in font at the first
Day 3
went to DisneySea...
but it was freezing cold and so difficult to walk around....
i sat the mermaid roller coaster 4 times!
we wanted to watch the BigBeatBang but then is lottery
and we never get anything...
then i told my mother that she never bring me in to get the lottery coz i will give her good luck!
coz i was outside looking after my sister....
Day 4
went back to DisneyLand
and i sat the thunder roller coaster 2 more times!
you know we go to Disneyland and Disneysea when the gates open... and leaves when the gates closes
Day 5
took a train to Osaka
the train ride took about 5hrs =]
something very funny happened sia...
so in the train they never give u space to put ur luggages
so we put in font of us...
so no space sia!
then me and my family keep laughing...
then we eat lunch like about 30mins...
the i slept for 4hrs++
but when i wake up....
5mins later we reach Osaka liao
Day 6
go to the Osaka takashimaya
shop shop shop
Day 7
went to universe studio
dam fun and nice sia....
especially the JAWS
its was a ride.....
then i watch the donne how spell the name...
when the donkey sneeze got water spit on ur face..
it is only water larh...
wanted to sit a roller coaster but my father dont want to sit with me coz too cold...
but nbm coz they are building one in Singapore...
cant wait to go...
Day 8
went to their takashimaya again...
shop shop shop
Day 9
take airplane back
lucky i never vomit!
so sad so fast my trip over liao!

i bought like two bags
one pencil case
one key chain
my parents say those things are for my christmas presents!
i everyday eat udon or soba
Japan the things very cool!!
like when u sit on the toilet bowl it gives out warmth...'
its very good in that kind of weather

my hands are aching liao

♥so break my heart for the final time
@ 5:02 PM

Let Me Introduce Myself

Photobucket The name is Kelly Tan.I'm a die-hard fan of White, Black and Green. A little bit of Blue and Red. Pink is like the last. Netballing is her passion. Your truly is only 10.Had her first cry on 23August.So preasents are expected to be overloading XD. The Innocent Gang are my best friends, they're always by my side whenever I need them Of course i am having fun studying at C.H.I.J(OLQP)and a class called 5 Hope with 42 crazy and noisy students!

bold strikethrough underlined italic

Loving them...

Abigail` Twin of me
Andrea Goh` Crazy jie<3
Andrea Toh` Crazy mei<3
Bernice` Crazy jie<3
Blondelle` Crazy jie<3
Celestine` Crazy mei<3
Charis` Kind hearted mei<3
Charmaine Karl` Moomoo jie<3
Charmaine Ong` Crazy jie<3
Colette` Crazy mei<3
Elizabeth` Crazy mei<3
Janessa` Siao din dong mei<3
Jeanne` Crazy mei<3
Kai Qian` Jiesh
Kayleigh` Crazy mei<3
Kimberley` Crazy jie<3
Liyana` Crazy jie<3
Laurentia` Crazy jie<3
Megan` Crazy mei<3
Abigail` Twin of me
Andrea Goh` Crazy jie<3
Andrea Toh` Crazy mei<3
Bernice` Crazy jie<3
Blondelle` Crazy jie<3
Celestine` Crazy mei<3
Charis` Kind hearted mei<3
Charmaine Karl` Moomoo jie<3
Charmaine Ong` Crazy jie<3
Colette` Crazy mei<3
Elizabeth` Crazy mei<3
Janessa` Siao din dong mei<3
Jeanne` Crazy mei<3
Kai Qian` Jiesh
Kayleigh` Crazy mei<3
Kimberley` Crazy jie<3
Liyana` Crazy jie<3
Laurentia` Crazy jie<3
Megan` Crazy mei<3
Mildred` Crazy shortie jie<3
Nicole` Crazy and flexible mei<3
Petunia` Crazy giggling jie<3
Pratheba` Crazy me>Blondelle` Crazy jie<3
Celestine` Crazy mei<3
Charis` Kind hearted mei<3
Charmaine Karl` Moomoo jie<3
Charmaine Ong` Crazy jie<3
Colette` Crazy mei<3
Elizabeth` Crazy mei<3
Janessa` Siao din dong mei<3
Jeanne` Crazy mei<3
Kai Qian` Jiesh
Kayleigh` Crazy mei<3
Kimberley` Crazy jie<3
Liyana` Crazy jie<3
Laurentia` Crazy jie<3
Megan` Crazy mei<3
Mildred` Crazy shortie jie<3
Nicole` Crazy and flexible mei<3
Petunia` Crazy giggling jie<3
Pratheba` Crazy mei<3
Rachel` Crazy Jie<3
Yu Han` Crazy jie<3
Yu Jie` Crazy mei<3
Zanette` Cute mei<3

Talk It Out Here

Spammers will not be entertainedXD

ShoutMix chat widget

Make Them All Come True

Photobucket Be a better netballer
Come in first for West Zone!!
Get into Semi final for National!!
Survive Injection
Get into 6Peace
Charis to come back same class as us in P6
Beat Nicole in English
Beat Nicole in Math
Beat Nicole in Science
Beat Nicole in Chinese
Beat my cousin in country story
Have sleepover
Have the whole series of Go Girls books
Have the whole series of Girlfriends books
Have the whole series of Do not read books
Converse shoes!
Zinc bag!
New glasses
New hand phone
New study table!
Layer hair
To clear this list★

Meet The People I Love

If i miss out anyone...... tag at my chatbox... will link youXD
Charmaine Karl♥
Charmaine Ong♥
Kai Qian♥
Netball '09♥
The 10 Innocent♥
Yu Han♥
Don't Click Here!!(Believe it anot.. its ur choice..)

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